
If you look at any modern and reasonably sized piece of software, you will surely come across something with the word factory in the name. You might also find a few singletons in the code. The larger the codebase, the more likely it is that you will see recognisable object-oriented design patterns. You may even note a query_decorator, a list_iterator, a status_observer, and possibly even a page_builder or two. These pattern names have become thoroughly entrenched in our software development language.

Though not as widely studied these days, design patterns are regularly used by people who have yet to see a copy of the GoF book[GoF94]. The names of these patterns are baked into tutorials, how-to guides, and example code, all of which people copy and paste into their projects.

Design patterns first appeared in Notes on the Synthesis of Form[Notes64] as a byproduct of Christopher Alexander’s efforts to find a way to reduce the complexity of large-scale building projects. We will go into the details later, but a feature he saw in them at the time was how they formed a language. This sense of it being a language was only made clear in the books he published after his time in academia, A Pattern Language[APL77] and The Timeless Way of Building[TTWoB79]. Software design pattern terms becoming so ubi¬quitous affirms this conclusion.

However, there is a downside to the language-like qualities of patterns; they become less useful in the long run. The benefits of structure and communicability also have their pitfalls, as they lead to a loss of essence when referred to by an arbitrary handle.

As an example of the weakness of words, what does the word ‘literally’ mean to people now? In the past, it used to mean ‘real’ and ‘actual’, not the imprecise term it has now become. Additionally, what does ‘done’ mean to the people you work with on different projects? Language evolves. Sarcasm aside, words and their meanings are relative to the environment and the participants in that environment. We need to recognise that definitions are not eternal and immobile—but rather cultural and flexible.

GoF Visitor The GoF Visitor.

The books published in the 1990s were full of recognised patterns—and pattern authors gave names to each of them. The names stuck around, but our understanding of what those patterns mean has drifted. When we copy patterns without completely understanding them, their meaning mutates. If we copy a visitor pattern from an implementation that walks a structure of composite objects, but we fail to see the details of the typed callbacks, the pattern word will now mean something else. We can be forgiven this as even the GoF referred to the Visitor as the ‘Walker’ before the book was published1. So, what do all those GoF names mean now?

Misunderstood Visitor A Walking Pattern.

Beyond the individual names of patterns, nowadays we regularly exchange the term design pattern with technique or UX design-systems. Some authors will add ‘design patterns’ to the title of a book or webpage to instil a sense of validity to the content delivered. It is intensely dissatisfying to observe how anything that indicates a property will inevitably be mimicked and ruined; from black-and-yellow striped but non-threatening insects to five-star review bots. However, why is this dilution of meaning not seen as a problem by those involved in the patterns movement? Worse still, when it is recognised as a problem, why is it seen as somehow unavoidable?

Aside from co-opting the term, UX design patterns exhibit another problem. Even though some people complain that the GoF patterns are idiomatic, UX patterns suffer from the same flaw to a much greater extent. I explain in more detail later what idiomatic means for patterns, but compared to authentic pattern forms, idioms are less powerful, less adaptable, and often unfalsifiable.

Indeed, UX patterns don’t fit into the original definition by Christopher Alexander, but does this matter? Are idioms just as useful in practice? Given how the usage of the term has changed, what is the value in trying to fix anything about design patterns if they don’t exist anymore, except in the form of a book and some recurring names?

I will answer these questions and explore how to regain some of the benefits of patterns without requiring the whole system to be overhauled.


Naming is hard. ‘Our names for the patterns have changed a little along the way. “Wrapper” became “Decorator,” “Glue” became “Facade,” “Solitaire” became “Singleton,” and “Walker” became “Visitor.”’[GoF94] p. 353. We shall see later how Christopher Alexander approached this problem through the use of diagrams.