Not causation

Though agile development practices and Christopher Alexander’s processes have many parallels, it is not accurate to state that Agile was directly brought about by his work. The movement away from Taylorism and towards a closer connection between client and worker occurred concurrently across many fields. Usability was an up-and-coming technology around the same time, with many processes becoming formalised and documented for public consumption, such as Usability Engineering[Use93] by Jakob Nielsen and The Design of Everyday Things[DoET88] by Donald Norman.

Agile principles emerged when like-minded individuals observed management’s response to the software crisis in their organisations and the workplaces of others. It was a response to those regressive actions and was a solution centred around practices that were conceivable at that juncture. The strength of the Agile Manifesto[AM01] stems from a particular lack of strictness about its solutions. The presence of simple preferences over laws solicited many interpretations and made the migration more palatable for managers who wished to continue commanding and remaining in control.

Because the link was weak, the Agile movement did not incorporate various aspects of Christopher Alexander’s theories and processes. Some remain missing because the movement never introduced them, but others are missing because they faded away. Perhaps they disappeared because we failed to understand their value, so these activities were not deemed worthy of protection. However, a more potent force may have removed them intentionally.

The demand for fiscal control was only minimally adopted. Agile development has almost entirely dropped this element now. The practice of bringing the customer into the work process has diminished along the way, with many contemporary interpretations of Scrum1 assuming product-owners to be both sufficient and necessary while neither is true. Many other aspects of feedback garnered through presence at the site have been lost, and the approach of taking small steps has been diluted into sprints or iterations of delivery rather than opportunities for direct and instant feedback.

Although we cannot trace the Agile Manifesto directly back to Christopher Alexander’s work, the recognition of software design patterns can. Indeed, the concept of software patterns may have lain dormant for decades had it not been for Ward Cunningham and Kent Beck picking up on the connection in 1987. They approached a design problem the way Alexander did by developing a language for the project. They used patterns to guide novice developers2. This original work on design patterns in software development was more closely aligned with Christopher Alexander’s processes, and the simple pattern Collect Low-level Protocol was closer to an Alexandrian pattern than any of the GoF’s examples. Deviation from the principles of A Pattern Language[APL77] is one of the reasons why design patterns failed in the way they did. But this chapter is not about failure. That’s what the following one addresses.


Scrum is a process aiming to improve workflow for teams. Meetings guided by the process include refinement, planning, standups, and retrospectives. Roles include the developer, who can make an impact on the product directly, the scrum coach, who facilitates the meetings, and the product owner, who stands in for the real customer. Product requirements, often described as stories, are worked on by developers, otherwise they are kept in the product-backlog.


The full report is in Using Pattern Languages for Object-Oriented Programs[UPL87]